【広告】楽天市場にて 母の日向けギフト値引きクーポン配布中

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この掲示板は会員の皆様そして、ゲストの方がたの交流の場として開設されました。基本的に匿名での投稿はお断りいたしますがペンネームなどの使用は申し分ありませんが内容に寄っては管理人の判断で削除しますのでご了承ください。 今後とも”LA 着物クラブ”をよろしくお引き立てお願いもうしあげます。 Acceptable Behaviour on the Bulletin Board LA KIMONO CLUB Bulletin Board is aimed at offering its members a place to discuss kimono and Japanese culture issues. Posts that are solely aimed at instigating fights, insulting or disrupting service will be removed and will lead to a ban. You may not use this Bulletin Board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You may not post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or with permission of the copyright owner. You may not promote any service (including non-commercial, religion) whether it's by means of providing a link, or by means of contacting the users of this Bulletin Board through the mailing and messaging tools provided on this BB. Furthermore, advertisements, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are prohibited on this BB. Also note that we reserve the right to ban external websites or web pages. You will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. Personal attacks against other Bulletin Board members in any of the open forums are strictly prohibited.



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矢内 久美子

2010/03/18(Thu) 12:44 No.28


2010/03/18(Thu) 17:07 No.29

Alice Li
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows somewhere near Los Angeles where I can purchase the skirt-style women's hakama in the wine red/エンジ color? It's the type worn for graduation. I need it by this weekend, if possible.

2010/03/17(Wed) 09:24 No.26

Women's Hakama for graduation
矢内 久美子
Have you checked with Kyoei Treasurers at 310-784-0500. If they do not have one, please check with local Japanese bridal shop for rental hakama.

2010/03/18(Thu) 12:20 No.27

13th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Monterey Park
Festival Hours
Saturday - April 17, 2010 - 11:00am - 6:30pm
Sunday -- April 18, 2010 - 11:00am - 6:00pm

"Miss Kimono L.A."are invited for "Opening Ceremony"starting at 12 noon. April 17th.

NOTE: The festival is held the second weekend of April evert year and will take place in rain or shine.

Location Information
Civic Center: 320 West Newmark Avenue
Barnes Park: 350 S. McPherrin Avenue (directly behind Civic Center) (map)

Free parking and shuttle service (approximately every 15 minutes) to the Festival is available at:
* El Repetto Elementary School - 650 S. Grandridge Avenue
* Ynez Elementary School - 120 S. Ynez Avenue (between Garvey & Newmark Avenues)
* Mark Keppel High School - 501 E. Hellman Ave., Alhambra

2010/03/11(Thu) 13:06 No.23

第13回 モントレーパーク桜祭り
第13回 モントレーパーク桜祭り

盛り沢山のイベントが用意されている桜祭り、皆様もどうぞお誘いあわせの上遊びにいきましょう。 モントレーパークなれではの食べ物やギフト店等も多数出展予定。 詳しくはウェッブサイトをご覧ください。

4月17日 土曜日 - 11 am - 6:30 pm
Opening Ceremonies - 12:00 noon
12時からのオープニングセレモニーに『Miss Kimono L.A』が招待されています。

4月18日 日曜日 - 11 am - 6:00 pm

場所: モントレーパーク 市庁舎付近
Civic Center: 320 West Newmark Avenue
Barnes Park: 350 S. McPherrin Avenue (directly behind Civic Center)

2010/03/11(Thu) 13:10 No.25

9th.Annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Little Tokyo
Festival Hours
Saturday - April 10, 2010 - 10:30am - 6:30pm
Sunday -- April 11, 2010 - 10:30am - 5:00pm

NOTE: The festival is held the first weekend of April every year and will take place in rain or shine.

Location Information
Little Tokyo district of Los Angeles - 1st Street between Alameda and San Pedro Street and Parking Lot 7 directly behind East West Players and next to the Go For Broke Monument.

2010/03/11(Thu) 13:04 No.22

リトル東京 桜祭り
第9回 桜祭り 9th Annual
Cherry Blossom Festival@Little Tokyo

年々盛大になってきました桜祭り、皆様もどうぞお誘いあわせの上遊びにいきましょう。 複数のエンターテイメントステージ、食べ物やギフト店等も多数出展予定。

4月10日 土曜日 - 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
Opening Ceremonies - 11:00 am


Kimono Fashion Show-日本の結婚式 - 3:00 pm (LA着物クラブ主催ではありません)

4月11日 日曜日 - 10:30 am - 5 pm

場所: リトル東京 アラメダストリートとサンペドロストリートの間の1st ストリートで全米日系人博物館の近くにて開催予定


2010/03/11(Thu) 13:08 No.24

A Few Questions
An Observer
1.) Why does anyone need a club to where a kimono? Can't you just wear it and be happy with that?
2.) Why do you need to pay a group to wear a kimono? Isn't that something you can do for free?
3.) Is a kimono really able to pass on the culture of Japan or is this just a pipe dream?

2010/02/26(Fri) 11:32 No.18

Dear Observer,

Like many other arts, crafts and traditions, the making and wearing of kimono is part of our precious Japanese cultural heritage. In this modern world, those who appreciate these cultural treasures seek ways to preserve them. Since today the art of kimono kitsuke is practiced by so few people -- even in Japan -- the LA Kimono Club was formed to promote and preserve this art form.

It is also our sincere desire to share the beauty of kimono with those who may not be familiar with it. Just as one puts on many layers of garments to create the kimono shape on the body, so one can discover the many layers of meaning in the design, color, fabric, seasonal sensitivity and symbolism of the kimono itself.

We appreciate those people who support this art, just as do musicians, painters, dancers, actors, film makers and many other artists. In time, one can come to understand the level of time, effort and resources invested in the art of kimono kitsuke.

We hope this answers your questions and gives you a little more insight into the art of kimono kitsuke. Thank you for your interest in the LA Kimono Club. Here's hoping you may personally experience the joy of kimono.

2010/03/07(Sun) 10:13 No.19

An Observer
Dear Carol,

I thank you for taking the time to respond to my questions. I must begin by saying that your response is extremely orientalist in nature, fetishisizing the wearing of kimono to the point of absurdity. While it is true that the "art" of wearing kimono is not commonly practiced in Japan,
the way it is presented by you in your response and the Club is a distortion of how it actually is done in Japan. And as such it is a bit of a disservice to those who watch your "displays," largely because you're on some level claiming to represent Japan and Japanese culture when at the same time you're obscuring it to make your claim.

It is interesting in your response that you say Japanese culture is "our" cultural heritage. It's easy for you as a foreigner to that here in the States; trying going to Japan, actually living there, and dealing with the discrimination there then see if that feeling remains.

I am all for supporting the arts, but that support means that the art cannot put on pretenses to get that support. There is a falsehood in your activities that is unsettling and it is something I cannot bring myself to support. Perhaps if you try to look at what kimono really mean in Japanese culture and move towards that and not towards some exoticized, idealized dream that you concocted I could begin to see myself lending you support.

Again thank you for taking the time to respond.

2010/03/07(Sun) 17:12 No.21




2010/02/26(Fri) 05:48 No.17

クラブサイトではすぎもりさんの絵を使わせて頂き、本当に感謝しております。 早速、リンクのアドレスを変更いたしましたのでこれからも引き続きすぎもりさんのアートと活躍を見させていただきたいと思っております。 

2010/03/07(Sun) 10:18 No.20

Ohanami scheduled on March 14th. Sunday
千葉クラブ・WALK & TALK・北海道道人会


・日  時:2010年3月14日(日)       
午前10時 〜 午後1時

・集合場所:Lake Balboa Park、

・参 加 費:無料、ただしお弁当、飲み物ほか各自持参 (アルコール、バルーン持込禁止)

・駐 車 場:パビリオン#3近くの駐車場か道路脇をご使用ください。駐車スペースが狭いので出来るだけ誘い合わせ、相乗りでおいでください。

     **************************お花見の後、近くの日本庭園(水芳園)を散策したり、 同方面のレーガン記念館、サンフェルナンド・ミッショ ン、ポウル・ゲッティ美術館等にお立ち寄りになる事も有意義ではないかと思います。興味ある方は河合将介さんの「あまり知られていないL.A.観光スポットhttp://www.zakkayanews.com/unkwnLA.htm

2010/02/19(Fri) 15:55 No.16

Kyouei will move to new location
今月末、Kyoei treasuresは新しい場所に移ります。

New store will open from March 5th:
2535 W. 237th St. #127 Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 784-0500

2010/02/19(Fri) 15:51 No.15

矢内 久美子

2月21日 (日)11時開場・12時開始 会費30ドル(含む食事・余興)

Check Payable to: LA Kimono Club
Check sent to: Ms. Masako Kobayashi
1815 S. Brockwell Ave.
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Tel: 323-724-2972



2010/01/31(Sun) 02:43 No.13

矢内 久美子


2月21日 (日)11時開場・12時開始 会費30ドル(含む食事・余興)

Check Payable to: LA Kimono Club
Check sent to: Ms. Masako Kobayashi
1815 S. Brockwell Ave.
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Tel: 323-724-2972




2010/01/31(Sun) 02:45 No.14

Cultural News Covered " Miss Kimono L.A contest"
Hi everybody. Mr.Higashi from Cultural News up dated more article about Miss Kimono L.A contest as on Jan 13th.

2010/01/14(Thu) 04:11 No.11

Don't forget to click little home button.
Please click little home button. OK!!

2010/01/14(Thu) 04:13 No.12


【広告】楽天市場にて 母の日向けギフト値引きクーポン配布中
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