450 ボックスセット、まとめ買いはどうでしょう?
メールの返事が速攻で来ました。 以下、ポイントになる部分を引用。
For all those who would like an autographed box set, but can’t make it to the signing, please email or phone me with your full address, credit card number, expiry date and security code (last 3 digits on the back by signature), and we can arrange to have copies sent direct to you. Please note that ‘Discover’ cards are not accepted in the UK. Also, please do let me know whether you wish the autograph personalised with a name
The cost of the set will be £25.99 and autographed copies will ONLY be available from ‘Threshold’. The cost of postage and packing for box sets mailed to the UK will be £2 and for the rest of the EEC £3. The total cost in dollars (including postage and packing) should be around USD 50 depending on the exchange rate at the time.
ここで提案なんですが、もし賛同して下さる方がいらしたら、送料の節約にもなるのでまとめ買いしませんか? 私が窓口になってもいいんですが、出来ればもっと英語に堪能な方にお願い出来ればと思っています。
2010/08/09/(Mon) 02:59:24