[247] 年末年始の過ごし方
- 2007/12/28(金) 23:33 -
I’m a German learner but am just a beginner of it. Now I cannot understand German language at all, so I’ll write this in my POOR English. On 24th, Dec. I went to the German Christmas market in Osaka, Japan. I enjoyed the nice and wonderful atmosphere, and knew a little how German people spent Christmas. Then I’d like to ask one question, on the New Year’s Eve and the New Year’s Day, in Germany what do you do and how do you spend in tradition? If you have a time to answer my question, please tell me. Thank you.
- 2008/02/03(日) 03:59 -
Beginnerさん、こんにちは。遅くなってすみません。 英語で書いてくださったので、そのまま載せました。 もしドイツ語で回答が得られたら、日本語に訳しますね。
- 2008/02/05(火) 23:06 -
Silvester - New Year’s Eve
- 2008/02/11(月) 15:58 -
Beginnerさん、こんにちは。私は日本語のbeginnerです。英語で書きます。 I'm glad to hear you liked the German Christmas market. Did you have the chance to try Gluehwein? (http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AA%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3)
In Germany most people spent Christmas with their family. We visit parents, siblings and other relatives and exchange presents. And we eat a lot. On New Year’s Eve we meet friends to go out or we have a party at home. We do fortune-telling called Bleigiessen. We put a small piece of metal in a spoon and melt it over a candle. When the metal is liquid, we throw it in a bowl of water. There it cools down in different shapes. ( http://static.twoday.net/cheridwen/images/bleiguss.jpg ) From the shapes we try to guess what the next year will bring. At midnight we toast with champagne / sparkling wine and set off fireworks. Around New Year we use lucky charms(Glücksbringer) like lucky penny (Glueckspfennig), マジパンの豚 , 四葉のクローバー, チョコレートの 天道虫 (Marienkäfer aus Schokolade) and 煙突掃除人 as small presents and decoration.
http://www.dokufoto.de/albums/symbol/gluecksbringer-2990.JPG http://merryxmas1.me.funpic.de/Silvester/neujahrsbraeuche/schweinchen.jpg http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/2947772/2/istockphoto_2947772_schokolade_k_fer.jpg
- 2008/02/16(土) 00:33 -
Thank you for your reply, Tina-san. I’m so happy that you responded to my question. Unfortunately I cannot take my liquor, so when I visited the Christmas market, I did not drink the Gluehwein. But it looked so delicious, I almost took it. Fortune-telling called Bleigiessen, it seems to be very interesting. If I have a chance, I’d like to try it. Thank you again, and Auf Weidersehen!